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  • Kristy Jade

Defeating the Enemy's Plans with the Promises of God

From the beginning of this year, God has been working on His Bride, the Church, for the great plans He has in store for us. He has been cleansing the church of all that is not of Him. All the things that were once tolerated in the past, are being cleared away for His church to be ready for His great

promises. God has made promises to His sons and daughters who have been in the place of hiddenness – the season He was preparing you, moulding you, shaping you, teaching you, cleansing and pruning you – and He has said NOW is your time to come out. He is releasing you into your calling NOW. For such a time as this. Maybe you believed you were going to see the promise God had for you fulfilled now in your life, but now nothing has changed in your life and you can’t see what God told you was supposed to happen come to pass.

May be this is you at this very moment. Maybe you’re feeling very discouraged or depressed and your mind is being filled with so much doubt and confusion that you’re even asking the question, ‘Did I hear God right?’

I’m here to tell you that the reason you may be feeling this way is because the church is under oppression by the enemy. The reason why you can’t see what God said in the natural is because of this oppression. He has come in like a flood against God’s people. He’s doing all this because he’s afraid of what will happen when God’s people walk in their God-ordained purposes. Satan has been trying to come in with discouragement, bringing about doubt and confusion so that we don’t see God’s promises come to pass in our lives. Just writing this message was a battle, with doubt creeping in that ‘I didn’t hear God’, ‘I shouldn’t post this’, ‘maybe no one is going through this’.

By faith through Christ, I persevered, and this is exactly what God wants us to do. Spiritual warfare is real and though we may not see it, God has His angels fighting on our behalf in battle right now so that God’s promises may be fulfilled. The word of God says that our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, authorities and powers of this dark world, against the spiritual forces of evil in heavenly realms (Ephesians 6:12).

God wants us to take a stand in Him and defeat the enemy’s plans with the affirmation of His promises. We need to stand on the promises of God stated in His word, the promises He made to us as we look back in our lives that have come to pass and let this increase our faith. Stand on the promise that if God said it, it WILL come to pass. Though we may not see the promises God has given us right now, we need to have FAITH and BELIEVE as though it were. God’s word says faith is the confidence we have in what is not seen as though it was already (Hebrews 11:1).

Let us not forget that we are fighting a DEFEATED foe. Do not let the enemy win because there is victory in Christ. God wants us to pray against the attacks of the enemy and trust Him. There is power in prayer. Life and death is in the power of the tongue. We need to take the authority God gave us through Christ and verbally claim and declare the promises of God to withstand the enemy. God has established His promises, now it is time for us as believers to do our part and BELIEVE that He is gonna DO what He SAID He’s gonna do.

God is not a man that He should lie (Numbers 23:19a).

His word will not return to Him void but will accomplish what He has sent it out to do (Isaiah 55:11).

Heaven and earth shall pass away, but the words of the Lord shall never pass away (Matthew 24:35).

The Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one (1 Thes. 3:3).

The whole chapter of Psalm 91 as well as many other scriptures in the Bible like the ones mentioned above are all Promises God has made for us to stand on in prayer.

Through Christ, by FAITH, PERSEVERE. God’s got you.

In Jesus’ Name.

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