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  • Kristy Jade

Repost: A Prophetic Word for Rosh Hoshanah 5782 (7 September 2021)

We are in the Jewish New Year celebration of Rosh Hoshanah!

Just like God works according to our Gregorian calendar, He also works according to the Jewish calendar. So, some of the new things God wants to do in our lives will be starting this month in line with the Jewish New Year and not in January 2022.

Here are some things I believe God shared with me for this new year:

1. We have entered into the Jewish new year 5782. This also happens to be known as a Sabbatical year. A Sabbatical year, like the Sabbath, calls for rest as God called for us to rest on the Sabbath. This year, we will be working with the Lord from a place of resting in Him. There will be an ease in what we put our hands to with the Lord. Because of this, we will see a 'line drawn in the sand' so to speak of who is walking closely with God and who is not. Those who are before His feet will be working from this place of rest in the Lord. STRIDING, not STRIVING.

2. Many will be moving this month onwards into their new locations and positions designated by the Lord.

3. God's provision will be coming through.

4. Many will be starting their new ministries, business ventures, projects, etc.

5. Many of the promises long-awaited will start to manifest.

6. I heard the Lord say, 'For the joy set before you. Expect JOY!' There is joy set before you. God has seen those who have remained faithful to Him, even when it got so tough you still held onto the hem of His garment and He has seen your faithfulness to Him, He has seen it, He has heard your cries, He saw your tears. He will honour you in this new season. You will reap a bountiful harvest this new year.

Hebrews 12: 1-3 'Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before Him, He endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of God. Consider Him Who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.'

7. The Lord spoke to me about debt cancellation. We are entering into a year where God will be canceling debts.

8. As we can see, this is a season of reaping, but God also wants us to sow. While we may be receiving a harvest of blessings and promises fulfilled, this is not a time to be sitting back, folding our arms, and just chilling. This is a season we are to be Building with God. Just like Noah, God told him of a flood, and that he would be kept safe from the flood, but he still had to build the ark. God wants us to build with Him in whichever way the Lord directs us to.

9. In connection with the previous point, I heard Him say 'Do not despise these small beginnings.' For many, you've been receiving new ideas, God's been placing it on your heart to make a song, to go back and finish that painting, that book, start that business, etc. Although you may not see how this will be your place of breakthrough, go with the leading of the Lord. Though it may seem small right now, do not be deceived. For as small as a mustard seed may be, it grows into a massive tree, likewise with this new venture. As you work at it diligently, God will bring the increase, the influence, the clientele, etc. All you need to do is believe and trust God.

10. Fear not for He is with you. Be strong and courageous. In God's direction, is God's provision and protection.

I pray this blessed someone or was a confirmation for you. God is on the move, He is doing a new thing. Let's decree and declare the word of the Lord.

Happy Rosh Hashanah!!

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