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  • Kristy Jade

What the Enemy Meant for Evil, God's Turning it Around for Good

'What the enemy meant for evil, God's gonna turn it around for our good.'

I heard the Lord remind me of that particular scripture the other night while I was in the kitchen making coffee.

Never in all my life, better yet my grandparents' life, has there been a time where we've experienced something like this pandemic before. With South Africa being put on lockdown to slow down the spread of the coronavirus, it's affected our daily lives and how we interact with one another. Schools, malls, and churches are closed. We can't gather together as brothers and sisters in Christ during this time. Many people have even wondered, as darkness seems to cloud the earth, if this is the end.

But God says Look Again...

The Lord took me back to when Jesus had just been arrested by the Roman soldiers. With Him standing handcuffed, Pilate asked the crowd whether they wanted to release Barabas or Jesus. We know how they shouted for Barabas, a known murderer, to be set free and for Jesus to be crucified, which ended up happening that day. When Jesus died on the cross, and was placed in the tomb, Satan must have been thrilled. All throughout Christ's life, from the time he was born, Satan had wanted to take him out and now his plan finally worked; Jesus was no more.

Or so he thought, because little did he know that God was going to turn around what he meant for evil, for our good!

God always has a redemption plan.

The devil might've thought he had won but he had another thing coming because his plan ended up backfiring on him.

Because Jesus died on that cross, anyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Because He took those 39 lashes on his back, we can be healed. He was the sacrificial lamb who paid the ultimate price, that shed his blood for you and I to be forgiven and redeemed.

When Jesus was in the grave, He took back the keys of authority. Jesus got the keys, ya'll! That's why we have authority in the name of Jesus. He defeated death and arose on the third day! That's why there's power in the name of Jesus. Scripture says that the same power that resurrected Jesus Christ from the grave is the same power that lives in us, those who call Jesus their personal Lord and Savior.

This just shows that what the enemy meant for evil, God can turn it around for good! If He did it before, He can do it again.

If we look at what is happening around us with this pandemic, it has done nothing but spread fear, anxiety, restlessness, and hopelessness. Though it may look like darkness is all around, Christ's light will shine brighter in this time. We have the victory in Jesus' name. We can call upon the name of the Lord for healing. We can plea the blood of Jesus over our families, friends, our nation and the nations around the world affected by this virus. For there is power in the blood of Jesus; there is power in His name. I believe it, do you?

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